Supply and Withdraw on Unleash

Supplying Assets

To start earning Supply APY, select the asset you wish to supply to the pools. Before proceeding, you’ll need to approve the asset for supply. Once approved, enter the amount you’d like to supply and submit your transaction.

Select the token you want to supply and approve it.

After approval, enter the amount you want to supply and submit the transaction.

Confirm the amount, then sign the transaction.

In exchange for the assets you supply, you’ll receive uTokens.

By default, supplied assets automatically become collateral. You can later disable collateral for specific assets, but make sure your Health Factor remains above 1.0 after disabling collateral mode.

Isolated assets can not be used as collateral. Learn more about Isolated assets here.

The Dashboard will update your status once the transaction is complete.

Withdrawing Assets

To withdraw your supplied assets, go to the "Supply" section on the Dashboard.

Choose the asset you wish to withdraw and click the “Withdraw” button.

Specify the amount you want to withdraw.

Ensure your Health Factor stays above 1 to avoid liquidation.

Review your withdrawal details and confirm the transaction.

Once the transaction is confirmed, your withdrawal will be registered successfully, and the tokens should appear in your wallet.

Last updated